Annual General Meeting

Sliema Hotsticks Hockey Club will hold their Annual General Meeting at Kordin National Hockey Centre on July 5th at 19:30.

The agenda is as follows:

  1. Qari u Approvazzjoni tal-Minuti ta’ l-ahhar Laqgha Generali.
    Reading and approval of the minutes for the previous Annual General Meeting

  2. Rapport tal-President
    President’s Report

  3. Rapport tas-Segretarju
    Secretary’s Report

  4. Qari u Approvazzjoni tar-Rapport Finanzjarju
    Reading and Approval of the Financial Reports

  5. Emendi ghall-istatut
    Amendments to the Statute

  6. Elezzjoni tal-President (kull tlett snin) - mhux applikabli din is-sena.
    Election of the President - not applicable this year

  7. Elezzjoni tas-Segretarju, Tezorieru u erba membri
    Election of the Secretary, Treasurer and four Members

  8. Affarijiet ohra.
    Other topics

The present Committee is willing to continue in place but will always welcome nominations from persons willing to sit on the Committee. The Committee will be accepting nominations from interested parties for the post of Secretary, Treasurer and members. Nominations can be handed in before the AGM or during. Should there be any nominations an election will be held accordingly.


Annual Summer BBQ 2023


EuroHockey Club Challenge II, Kirklareli Turkey, 2023