Hockey in Malta

We aim to provide an inclusive, social and safe environment for players of all ages and abilities to learn, enjoy and reach their potential when playing Hockey in Malta.

Sport in Malta is an essential part of our culture.


Our Core Values:

Inclusivity | Fun | Respect | Consistency | Challenge


We work together with other Hockey Teams in Malta to create a welcoming and safe environment for people of all ages, abilities and backgrounds.

We foster encouraging and enjoyable environments built around fun, teamwork, healthy competition and a sense of community when playing sport in Malta.

We encourage players, supporters, coaches and umpires to behave in the spirit of the game, to comply with Hockey Association Malta’s Code of Conduct and to represent our sport in a positive manner at all times.

We aim to be consistent in our support of constructive challenge and a ‘great hockey for everyone’ approach to enable players, officials and supporters equality of access, opportunity, progression and competition in Malta.

SportMalta’s Mission Statement:

“Moving a nation through the promotion and development of sport for a healthy, inclusive and successful Malta.”

SportMalta is determined to make a difference. The unyielding principles guiding the SportMalta Board are Integrity, Transparency and Accountability. Irrelevant of any changes in the environment within which SportMalta operates, SportMalta will remain loyal to these values:

Accountability for all
our actions and decisions.

Transparency and openness
in everything we do.

Integrity in the way
we operate and function.